• Anna-Eva17766
  • Anna-Eva

    47 Years Old

Basic Details

Gender Female Education Diploma in University
Age 47 Years old Language English, Russian
Country UKRAINE Height 170 cm
Birth Date 1977-12-08 Smoking NO
Relationship Single Eye Colour brown
Looking For a Man Marital Status Divorced
Work as Executive Director Weight 56
Birth Date 1977-12-08 Kids NO

About Me

My name is Anna-Eva, I am a beautiful single girl with Brown eyes and Black hair from Zaporozhye, Ukraine. I was born in Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine. Education: Philologist. I am feminine, sociable, educated, with a good sense of humor. Harmonious relations, mutual understanding in a couple are important for me in a family. It is important that a man is a head of the family and a woman is a keeper of the home. I have no bad habits, lead active and healthy way of life. I am looking for serious relations with the help of CQMI dating agency in Ukraine.


I like sports, exhibitions, cultural hobbies, travelling. I have experience of living in another country for 13 years, ready to move.

Search For...

I see my future husband as a brilliant, educated and kind man. A man who loves sports, leads a healthy lifestyle and has a sense of humour. A man who knows how to take care of his wife. Age: 40-56 years old. Education: preferably higher education. Children: possible, but no more than 2. Religion: Christian. Appearance: Physically attractive.