• Tatyana16768
  • Tatyana

    55 Years Old

Basic Details

Gender Female Education Diploma in University
Age 55 Years old Language English, Russian
Country UKRAINE Height 174 cm
Birth Date 1969-09-16 Smoking NO
Relationship Single Eye Colour blue
Looking For a Man Marital Status Divorced
Work as assistant notary, clothing designer, photoartist Weight 60
Birth Date 1969-09-16 Kids YES

About Me

My name is Tatiana, I am a beautiful lonely girl with blue eyes and blond hair from Kharkov, Ukraine. I was born in Kharkiv/Ukraine. Education: lawyer. I love to be a Lady... Soft, gentle, sensual, beautiful, wise. I love sports and a healthy lifestyle. I love education, development, movement, positive, kindness, purity... I like to create photography. As a photographer, sometimes, as a model of "femininity" - not emptiness. I love law, as a help to people, and as an element of creativity... I love the philosophy and the depth of life. I love the smell of the sea. Color. The air. I hate the Void... greed... pathos... I really want to find my Love. I really do. I am looking for a serious relationship with the help of dating agency CQMI in Ukraine.


Books. Sport. Fashion and style. The design. Art. Photography. Cosmetology. Travel. Good things.

Search For...

I've been looking for you for a long time... And sometimes I get a little worried that you're too far away. And maybe you don't know I'm only waiting for you. Because you are very clever. Noble, Strong, Stylish, Generous... sometimes Serious and sometimes Light. Confident and Calm. Kind and energetic. You are mine. Age: 50-62. Height: above 1.74. Education: higher education. Presence of children: it does not matter. Faith: it doesn't matter. External data: it does not matter. Locale: not important.