• Elena11809
  • Elena

    47 Years Old

Basic Details

Gender Female Education Diploma in University
Age 47 Years old Language English, Russian
Country UKRAINE Height 172 cm
Birth Date 1977-11-03 Smoking NO
Relationship Single Eye Colour green
Looking For a Man Marital Status Divorced
Work as Business owner Weight 66
Birth Date 1977-11-03 Kids YES

About Me

Hello I am Elena, a single blonde Ukrainian lady with green eyes from the city of Vinnitsa. I was born in Vinnytsia, en Ukraine. I am Kind, sympathetic, loving. I appreciate openness and sincerity. I'm sure Love will save the world. I try to work on my inner world every day. The most important thing is spiritual growth of the person, understanding of oneself and people. The family is a world where love, harmony and respect for each other should reign. I am looking for a serious relation with the help of CQMI Dating agency in Ukraine to be your Ukrainian wife. I live in Eastern Europe.


I am a Russian bride born in Ukraine. I love sports, at every possible occasion I travel, because I believe that in travel people get more and more disclosed. I love water. I love psychology. Communicating with people. My hobby became my profession. I set up my hair treatment and recovery studio.

Search For...

I am a single Russian bride looking for a man. He should be Faithful, Loving, held as a person, seriously attuned to the creation of a family, can take responsibility for his family, strong in character, active.